
Supervised tummy time is important for your baby's development as it helps to strengthen their neck, back, shoulder and arm muscles. It also promotes motor skills so that baby can start to roll, sit up, crawl and eventually walk on their own. It also prevents the risk of flat spots on their head. Encouraging tummy time from an early age can aid in the development of your baby's coordination and balance and allows them to explore their surroundings from a different perspective, fostering cognitive development.

Often mums say to me that they don't do tummy time as their baby has reflux or is sicky... Even if your baby struggles with reflux, don't shy away from tummy time! Opt for positions that keep them more upright, like resting on your chest or over your legs, or even on a gym ball. To minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of vomiting, wait around 20 to 30 minutes after feeding before starting tummy time. It's a crucial developmental activity that benefits your baby's growth and motor skills.

For newborns, tummy time on your chest is perfect! Placing a baby on their stomach while awake helps to relieve gas pains. By gently increasing the abdominal pressure, tummy time pushes gas bubbles up and out! 

By 2 months old around 30 min a day of tummy time is ideal. By 6 months this will be around 60-90 minutes a day. Increase the time gradually, make it fun and interactive, you could try rolling your baby on an exercise ball as part of tummy time.

Remember, always supervise your baby during tummy time to ensure their safety and comfort.